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Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Costs in the Health Sector

  • Patient A- 10 Hours

  • Patient C- 4 Hours

  • Patient D- 4 Hours

  • Patient G- 6 Hours

  • Patient K- 6 Hours

I gave these hours to these patients because patient A was a child who needed the 10 hours per week and was waiting for a kidney transplant in a year so it was also hope keeping that kid alive. Patient C is a 3 year old who will need a dialysis machine indefinitely so i chose to let this child live. Patient D is a 78 year old woman and only needs 4 hours a week, i chose to keep her because she is old and wise and it would be nice for her to stick around and pass along her knowledge and wisdom. Patient G is a 30 year old woman who has two children and only needs 6 hours, i gave her the hours because no child should have to live without their mother or see her suffer. Patient K is a 65 year old man who needs 6 hours, he is quite wealthy and has promised to buy another machine, so if i keep him alive i would get another machine and be able to save more people. I chose not to pick the other patients because they didn’t really need the hours and didn’t have as good of a reason even though they all deserved to live.

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